
Expedia study reveals top 3 tech adoption priorities of chain hotels | wi-Q

Written by wi-Q | Oct 9, 2019 4:51:36 PM

Expedia study reveals top 3 tech adoption
priorities of chain hotels

According to a new survey of more than 1,200 hoteliers by Expedia Group, there is a significant gap in technology investment strategies across different hotelier segments, with chain hotels 77% more likely than small independent properties to prioritise technology.

But what drives their decision-making when it comes to the adoption of technology?

Seamless integration with existing systems

Whilst nearly half of the small independent hotels surveyed indicated that technology investment decisions are based on affordability and value, more than half of the chain hotels prioritise technology that seamlessly integrates with their existing systems.

From our experience, this comes as no surprise. The market for wi-Q’s white label digital ordering solution is currently lead by global hotel chains, and this has a lot to do with wi-Q’s integration with world leaders in the hospitality supply chain. Our Point of Sale (PoS) and Property Management Systems (PMS) partners include Oracle Hospitality, Agilysys, Amadeus and more to ensure fast and seamless deployment.  

Competitive advantage with strategic technology investments

Expedia’s study confirms reliance on technology is becoming increasingly important as hotels begin to utilise strategic technology investments for competitive advantage. With wi-Q’s digital ordering technology enabling constant connectivity with guests, our clients are able to leverage insightful data to not only provide a competitive, personalised guest experience, but improve their bottom line.

Increasing technology budget

Also referenced by Expedia is Hospitality Technology’s latest finding that 54% of hotels plan to increase their technology budgets. Whilst cost continues to be a barrier for smaller hoteliers, many chain hotels are keen to be seen as “innovators”, prioritising integration and competitive advantage, as mentioned above, to embrace hotel technology as a fundamental contributor to the sales pipeline.

Did you know the world’s leading digital engagement technology can be cost-neutral?

wi-Q customers, including global hotel chains, are seeing an instant ROI on deployment through our fixed monthly cost model combined with immediate increases in guest ordering. To find out how you could be live in as little as six weeks, contact us for a demo.

More information on the study can be found on Expedia Group’s website.